SAM Learning’s award-winning online learning platform for ages 9-16 covers 27 subjects including all the main GCSE exam boards.
SAM Learning is trusted by hundreds of English schools.
SAM Learning’s award-winning online learning for ages 9-16 (school years 5-11) is fun and engaging.
27 subjects are covered including all the main GCSE exam boards.
This product is not available in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America or South America.
Why SAM Learning for GCSE Preparation?
Proven-to-Improve Student Grades
With 10 hours+ of use, students achieved 2 GCSE grades better than expected, on average. And students who were behind improved nearly twice as much.
Impact studies over 10 years by the FFT (Fischer Family Trust) have independently proven that SAM Learning improves students grades at GCSE and KS3.
Access Thousands of Activities
English Literature, English Language, Statistics, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science, Computer Science, ICT, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Citizenship, PSHE, Physical Education, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Welsh, Latin, International Curriculum, Business, Media Studies, Music, Drama, Dance, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Child Development, Engineering, Psychology, Sociology, Health and Social Care.